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Hi, I'mKevin Rose

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DIY Business Opportunities

In many cases of daily business activity there is a fine line between being reasonable with your time (opportunity cost) and being lazy. — If there are legal or financial related issues, you’ll likely seek out an attorney or a CPA, obviously— But there are certain cases where there are time-allocation “grey areas”. It’s in that grey area that I believe my clients need to take advantage of what I call DIY Business Opportunities.

Certainly there are many examples of situations where one might be able to “DIY” a task … or not, but I see many missed opportunities in the course of MY daily business activity through social media, website management, and branded marketing/apparel products. 

I’m not going to sit here on a pedestal and suggest that everyone should be as well versed as myself in graphic design, web design or eCommerce integration to be successful (Because if you know me, that’s not my style) — I am simply making mention that over time, just like technology, these platforms become more and more accessible and intuitive.
Real life example: Many of my clients know that I recommend WordPress websites, not because I believe WordPress is the best web hosting platform since sliced bread, but because I believe in empowering my clients to take the reins of there own web-destiny — and I find WordPress as a more intuitive solution compared to other platforms. 

I believe in empowering my clients to take the reins of there own web-destiny.

I would encourage any small business owner/operator or manager to roll up the sleeves and SEEK OUT the various DIY Business Opportunities that are presented to them daily — Seek out a qualified and/or trusted professional to assist you with LEARNING how to do these tasks, so you can become independent using the “internet machine” — Because its not like you’ll actually get dirty or anything like that. 😉